Rockway Middle School is a public middle school serving 1,140 students in grades 6, 7 and 8. The school was founded in 1959 and expanded in 1970, 1995, and again in 2005. The beautiful 12 acre campus includes 7 buildings, 9 computer labs, many interactive classrooms, an auditorium, a media center, a band room, a state of the art piano lab, a student wellness center, and quiet courtyard areas. Rockway’s mission is to foster an academic environment that provides the knowledge and necessary skills for our students to be successful in today’s competitive world.
- The students at Rockway Middle are served by 65 instructors, counselors, and administrators.
- 72% of our faculty holds Advanced degrees.
- 52.5% of our teachers have 6 to 14 years of experience.
- 29.5% have more than 15 years of experience.
- Our student membership is 1140.
- 50% of the student population takes advanced, gifted, honors and/or high school credit courses such as Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, French I, and Spanish I.
The curriculum at Rockway Middle School serves students at all academic levels and aims to develop critical thinking skills, problem solving abilities, and lifelong learning. The school staff believes that students should develop academically, physically, emotionally, and socially. To support this growth, Rockway Middle offers:
- Advanced, Honors & High School Credit Courses, including Algebra, Geometry, Physical Science, Biology & Foreign Languages (Spanish & French)
- Magnet Programs in Engineering/Robotics & Legal Studies
- Outstanding Gifted Program (Core & Elective Classes)
- Bilingual Academic Program
- iWorld for ESOL Students
- iPrep Math, technology infused individualized math instruction
- National Championship Chess Program
- Award-Winning Arts Programs (Band, Orchestra, Piano, Guitar, Cooking & Drama)
- Comprehensive Sports Program